Monday, April 30, 2007

CD Exchange Update

I just received my March CD from my (other) CD Klub (so you shouldn't feel bad, Steve), which made me remember our recent discussion about pushing back our calendar. I think this makes sense. That means the rest of the exchange will be as follows, unless anyone wants to switch months, which is fine by me:

Debby - May
Inbal - June
Gershon - July
Justin - August

As much as I have been enjoying our CDs, I have to say that the Klub (which has been in existance longer) is really setting the bar high. This month I received 3 typed pages detailing why each song was chosen, often with an amusing anecdote or explanation. This follows the PowerPoint presentation that accompanied another CD, explaining the correlation between recent life events and chosen songs. Both of these masterpieces are available upon request. Now, let's be clear, I only provide a list of artists and songs and feel pretty good about myself for even managing that. So I'm not chiding. I'm just saying there is something greater out there to aspire to.


Gersh said...

I'd just like to publicly call out Jeffscherr for not sending me ANY of the CD Club offerings...booo, sir. BOO INDEED.

(I was not saying boo-urns.)

dara said...

Jeff, you slacker, you.

Jeff said...

Gordon, I'm compiling them so I can send them to you at once. Or you can come to DC and save me some postage.

dara said...

I think we should post the song listing on the blog.

DSL said...

I thought the plan was to move everyone up so Debby could take a back seat.