Thursday, November 09, 2006

I concede

I announced to Dan last night that I would be willing to concede the race for Alderman if George Allen would concede his race for the Senate.

In a gesture to get Gordon elected Alderman, Allen conceded. I know you are proud of your long ties to Mr. Macaca, Dan, and I concede the race.

Now, get to work. When the hell are you going to fix the street signs? And our fence could use some work. Come to think of it, my closet doors have never worked quite right. And will you please do something about the outlets in the upstairs bathroom? And fix our DVR.

Aldermaning is hard work, Mr. Gordon. Get used to it.


Justin S. said...

Yes, why don't the bathrooms have any frickin' electricity yet? This is the 21st century. You guys must hate women.

Anonymous said...

oops, that was Debby.

violindan said...

The street sign has been back up for 2 weeks. As for the rest, now that I am alderman I'll be happy to include notes to the landlord, rake the leaves, mow the lawn, take care of the dishes ... oh wait, (crass comment withheld in the interest of bipartisanship).

violindan said...

P.S. That's "Mr. Macacawitz" to you, sir.

DSL said...

You guys are just a bunch of lazy frat boys living together. I laugh at your concept of an alderman. Hah!

DSL said...

Also, you have no smoke detectors.

violindan said...

Justin, here's an idea for what you can do now that your run for office has failed. Put those skills we've seen to good use.