Monday, December 04, 2006

Sports Weirdness

Last night, Justin blogged about the BCS while I was busy writing about college basketball. Clearly, we're in backwardsland.

As more evidence, check out this empanada bet e-mail conversation from mid-September:

On 9/17/06, Justin wrote:
My proposal.....

Higher ranking in the AP bowl at the end of the regular season..... Wisconsin (3-0, but so far unranked) or Florida State (2-1, ranked, but unimpressive looking).

If neither team is ranked at the end of the regular season and one team goes to a bowl and the other doesn't, the winner is the team that goes to a bowl.

If both teams go to a bowl and only one team wins its bowl game, that team is the winner.

If both teams win their bowl games, it goes to the team that scores more points in its bowl game.

If they score the same number of points in their respective bowl games, we randomly select a member of the PH4H blog, and we each buy that person an empanada.

Whaddaya think?

On 9/18/06, Dara wrote:

It's hard for me to bet on Florida State. It's way easier to make bets on stuff that I don't care about in order to give me something to root for.

Then again, Florida State can still win everything else for the rest of the season . . .

Fine. Whatever.

On 9/18/06, Justin wrote:
Wisconsin could go undefeated for that matter.


Justin S. said...

You now owe me two empanadas (the other for Tom Petty). Inbal owes me one for Tom Petty as well, Dan owes me one for final jeopardy, Steve owes me one for the World Series, and Tom still owes me the Original Empanada. I need to start collecting.

I owe one to my Aaron for Illinois's recent loss to Maryland in basketball, and will soon owe one to Jeff for our Rams-Ravens bet (I need to stop betting against Jeff, he always beats me).

dara said...

I owe Jeff an empanada too.

If you want, you can transfer the one I owe you to Jeff, and I'll buy Jeff two empanadas.