Monday, March 24, 2008

Third Annual PH4H NIT Pick-'em, Round 2

The second round of the Men's NIT is now over, and the not-so-elite-eight are Ohio State, Dayton, Virginia Tech, Mississippi, Arizona State, Florida, Syracuse, and Massachusetts.

Bo actually got all eight right -- which would have been pretty amazing, if we weren't talking about the NIT.

Anyway, here are the current standings:

  1. Bo: 29 points, 21 correct picks
  2. Inbal: 26 points, 19 correct
  3. Dara: 23 points, 17 correct
  4. Jeff: 21 points, 16 correct
  5. Rachel: 21 points, 16 correct
  6. Dan: 19 points, 16 correct
  7. Andy: 18 points, 15 correct
  8. Justin: 16 points, 13 correct

1 comment:

Justin S. said...

Give the man credit where it's due! 8 of 8 is amazing, even in the NIT!