Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Law school rock

Liz goes to law school with this guy. The whole thing is probably funnier if you went to law school or are going now. You know who you are.

1 comment:

dara said...

I'm sure it's great and clever, but I'm not that impressed.

My problem is that the WSJ is talking about it like it's a completely original concept. When I was in law school, back in the dark ages of 1996-1998, I had classmates that played music -- several in a band and one that was a solo singer/songwriter -- that did the exact same thing. (The singer/songwriter has since given up the practice of law to play professionally, and one of the band members plays in various bands when he's not a JAG lawyer.)

Heck, back then I used to give my mixtapes names like "Res Ipsa Loquitur." Legal terms are funny during your first year, and then you get over it. Or maybe you get too jaded to care. Either way.