Thursday, August 17, 2006

Is Pluto a Planet?

The International Astronomical Union's Planet Definition Committee (yes, there is one) has suggested to a national convention of astronomers a new solar system category, the pluton. Pluto would be demoted from planet to pluton and would join Ceres (an astroid between Mars and Jupiter), Charon (Pluto's moon), and UB313 as plutons. So I guess we'll have to scrap our old mnemonic devices (My Very Expensive Mercedes Just Smashed Up Near Philadelphia) and come up with a new one. The Washington Post suggests "My Very Early Map Can't Justify Such Unusual New Planets Coming Up". Do you have any suggestions? If so, post them in the comments!


violindan said...

Many Virtuoso-Educated Musicians Casually Just Strumming Ukeleles Never Pleases Crazy Xylophonists

violindan said...

My Very Emphatic Mother, Cheerfully Jewish, Says Utilizing New Penpals Combats Xenophobia.